Intuition on Vacation

Summer is a great time to relax, recharge your energy, explore new places, enjoy the warm weather (actually I am absolutely done with enjoying this enormous heat, but lets stay positive or at least sane and continue…), and to give your intuition extra attention and time.

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Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Here are some ideas how to please this mysterious lady called Intuition:

  1. Intuition is a very freedom loving lady – she loves to follow her own schedule.  Throw away your planner, alarm clock and “I am a perfect organiser”-side-of -your-personality and let your intuition design a day or at least an evening for you.
  2. Intuition is also extremely fond of spontaneity – together with a time plan, throw away any preconceived free-time ideas – let your intuition show you new ways to make the best out of your summer evenings – see where she will lead you – to what places you will be attracted, where do you what to linger longer, where you would like to stay for life….
  3. Intuition is incredibly intelligent and this intelligence usually expresses itself through your precious body. Try your best to switch of your head during vacation or your work-free time (don’t chop it off, although sometimes it seams like an easier way), and let your (probably very sweaty) body lead  – before making a choice close your eyes and imagine where your body wants to be, with whom, how long…then follow its wisdom and go there…


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Giving your intuition extra time and attention is also a great opportunity for self-exploration – to spend some time with your wonderful Self and to get to know it a little bit better. Additionally,  intuition takes your leadership skills to the next level. If this is not a wonderful side effect, I don’t know what is:

“Intuition, balanced with rational analysis, is a key capacity of the Creative Mind. Developing it opens us to uncommon insight, wisdom, and creative capacity for innovation. Creative Leadership is courageous, authentic, purpose-driven, visionary, strategic, emotionally intelegent, and inspirational.All of this is informed by intuition” – Mastering Leadership by Robert Anderson and William Adams

Truly Yours

P.S. Due to extremely hot weather and my melted brains, please excuse any typos or nonsense ideas, leave only extremely flattering comments, don’t ask any deep questions and come over for a glass of cooled German Riesling. If this weather won’t change soon, my next post will be about effects of a Capuccino-Ice-Cream-Riesling – diet.


PP.S. All of the above, not especially profound but genuine insights, were inspired by my own experiences while exploring Singapore, Bali and Lombok this July . “Letting go of control “ was my intention for the whole trip. It meant letting go of unnecessary plans, expectations and micromanaging the trip of my wonderful family.  Letting the higher wisdom of my intuition take the lead instead. It proved to be very challenging. So I’m still working on controlling less and trusting my intuition more…


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Intuition and Intellect

I use this blog to share my very personal insights, ideas, experiences and struggles as I try to follow my intuition in my personal and professional life. You can find more about me at

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